Sam Branman Photography
Sam Branman
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Sam Branman's main work exists in the realm of fantasy sociopersonal-ethnography (Which is something, he assures you). It is at the same time a dream, and his life, and a study of youth. While everything in the pictures has happened, and the majority of the photos are off-the-cuff and unplanned, they exist in a slightly parallel reality where adulthood and responsibility do not exist. These versions of his friends only exist to relax and hang out, party, then sleep. It's the ideal world of twenty-somethings, who aspire to prolonged adolescence and perfect trust-fund hipsterdom. While everything in these pictures is true, the reality of their happening differs from the reality on film and on the screen.

He also uses his knowledge of performance and costuming to investigate his world in other ways. Between photographing "performances" in public places using temporary sets made from found and brought materials with costumes he has made, to documenting costumed attendees at anime conventions he has been attending for a decade, everything he photographs is slightly out of sync with reality.

Sam Branman hails from a very colorful house with a cat in Ulster county and currently resides in Brooklyn. His parents and grandparents are all artists, and he is keeping on. He graduated with honors from the School of Art+Design at Purchase College, SUNY.
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Photos Copyright©2007 by Sam Branman. All rights reserved.
Website by Maya Branman Design